Upgrading From StructionSite FAQs

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Here you'll find a collection of the most common questions we've received about upgrading from StructionSite to DroneDeploy Ground. Don't see your question? Search for relevant articles from the Help Center home page or contact DroneDeploy Support by emailing support@dronedeploy.com

Looking for general DroneDeploy Ground information? Check out the DroneDeploy Ground FAQ page.

Access and Logging In

As an Admin, how do I help others at my company move to DroneDeploy Ground?

If a user has an existing account on StructionSite, an account has already been created for them on DroneDeploy Ground. As an Admin, you don't need to do anything other than direct your colleagues to navigate to dronedeploy.com and log in using the same email address and password they used on StructionSite. Once logged in, their account will be activated and appear in your User list.

I forgot my StructionSite password. How do I log in to DroneDeploy Ground?

Your account is already created and waiting for you, so all you need to do is navigate to the DroneDeploy Ground login page and click the "Forgot your password?" link. Follow the prompts to reset your password. Be sure to use the email address associated with your StructionSite account! 

I created a new DroneDeploy account but it’s not connected to my company’s Enterprise account. What do I do?

If you're a current StructionSite user and accessing DroneDeploy Ground for the first time, you don't need to create an account! All you need to do is navigate to dronedeploy.com and log in using the same email address and password you used on StructionSite. Once logged in, your account will be activated.

Important: If you created another account by mistake, it's very important that you complete the following steps before attempting to log in using your existing StructionSite account:

  1. Log out of DroneDeploy by clicking on the three lines in the upper left corner and selecting Log Out from the bottom of the menu.
  2. Clear your browser's cache and cookies for All Time
  3. Now you can navigate back to the login screen and try again with your existing StructionSite account credentials.

If you did not have a login for StructionSite, then you will need to have a DroneDeploy Ground Admin at your company send you an invitation to join DroneDeploy. Please reach out to your local admin or contact DroneDeploy Support at support@dronedeploy.com for assistance with identifying an Admin.


Upgrading Projects

How can I turn off new project creation in StructionSite in preparation for the move to DroneDeploy Ground?

Please contact your Customer Success Manager directly to discuss turning off new projects in StructionSite. If you do not have an assigned CSM, please contact DroneDeploy Support by emailing support@dronedeploy.com.

How can I undo an upgraded project?

There is no "undo" option at this time. Upgraded projects will be permanently upgraded to DroneDeploy.

Can we upgrade more than one project at a time?

There is no automated way to do this, but we may be able to help. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss options.

Who has access to the Upgrade StructionSite Projects dashboard?

Both project and organization admin users in DroneDeploy can see the upgrade dashboard.


Project Management

I created a project in DroneDeploy and began collecting data. Now, my StructionSite project has been upgraded and I have two versions of this site. Can I merge these projects?

Yes, please contact support@dronedeploy.com to help with data merging.

Some of our projects in StructionSite had "Locations". Will these also appear in DroneDeploy?

This process is not automatic, and we'll need to help get Locations migrated. Please reach out to support@dronedeploy.com with this request.

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