Using the Upgrade Tool

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You're ready to upgrade your StructionSite project to DroneDeploy! This guide will walk you through the use of the tool to make this transfer.

Upgrade StructionSite Projects

In DroneDeploy, choose the Upgrade StructionSite Project tab at the top of the page to find a list of projects eligible for upgrade.

Project data counts and the current upgrade status is listed in the table. Projects that have already been upgraded will be labeled green, whereas upgrade-eligible projects in blue.

Choose the blue Upgrade button to begin to the project upgrade.

A pop-up will appear letting you this change is permanent. Select the confirmation check box and then Upgrade.

Congrats! Your DroneDeploy project will now become the home of new edits and uploads.

Your StructionSite project will become view-only. Users who view the project in StructionSite will see a banner link that will bring them to where they can find this in DroneDeploy.


Check out this video on the process:

Troubles upgrading?

Note your last data sync!

Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 9.46.15 AM.png

Projects may only be upgraded if all new StructionSite data has been synced to our copy in DroneDeploy. If data is not yet synced, you will get a message that you're not yet ready to upgrade.

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