Measurements API

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Take measurements via our API
Programmatically measure DroneDeploy map data. It is primarily used by partners who are rendering dronedeploy data in their own mapping application, and want to take advantage of our server side measurement features.

First you will need an API Key

Coordinate Geometry Format

All coordinate geometry are passed in on the URL using the Well Known Text (WKT) format. Since WKT includes spaces which are not valid in URLs they have to be encoded with %20 instead.

All points but be in WGS84 ordered as Longitude, Latitude.

Elevation at a point

Get the elevation data for a single point on your plan.

GET /v2/tiles/<plan_id>/points/POINT(<lng> <lat>)

  • The plan_id can be obtained by listing your plans
  • lng lat is the longitude, latitude pair of the point

Returns JSON - Array of one Elevation Point Objects

curl "{api_key}"
    "lat": 35.9272,
    "lng": -96.7493,
    "aspect": 100.57501983642578,
    "elevation": -2.0494751930236816,
    "slope": 7.686941623687744

Elevation at multiple points

Get the elevation data for a set of points in your plan.

GET /v2/tiles/<plan_id>/points/LINESTRING(<lng> <lat>,<lng> <lat>)

  • The plan_id can be obtained by listing your plans
  • lng lat is longitude, latitude pairs of points on the line

Returns JSON - Array of multiple Elevation Point Objects

curl ",-123.11376%2038.42633,-123.11392%2038.42624)?api_key={api_key}"
    "lat": 35.9272,
    "lng": -96.7493,
    "aspect": 100.57501983642578,
    "elevation": -2.0494751930236816,
    "slope": 7.686941623687744
    "lat": 35.9282,
    "lng": -96.7493,
    "aspect": 100.57501983642578,
    "elevation": -2.0494751930236816,
    "slope": 7.686941623687744
    "lat": 35.9292,
    "lng": -96.7493,
    "aspect": 100.57501983642578,
    "elevation": -2.0494751930236816,
    "slope": 7.686941623687744

Elevation profile

Get the elevation profile for a line segment in your plan.

GET /v2/tiles/<plan_id>/elevation_profile/LINESTRING(<lng> <lat>,<lng> <lat>)

  • The plan_id can be obtained by listing your plans
  • lng lat is the longitude, latitude pairs of the profile's end points

Returns JSON - Elevation Profile Object

curl " 35.926247,-96.747933 35.926738)?api_key={api_key}"
  "length": 107.35063384719186,
  "endpoints": [
  "dx": 0.5394504213426726,
  "points": 200,
  "profile": [

Volume inside a polygon

Get the volume of material a polygon in your plan. Assumes that object has no overhanging features, so most valuable for stockpiles, earth movement on construction sites, and quarry walls.

GET /v2/tiles/<plan_id>/volume/POLYGON((<lng> <lat>,<lng> <lat>,...,<lng> <lat>))

  • The plan_id can be obtained by listing your plans
  • lng lat is the longitude, latitude pairs of the corners of the polygon


Available Query Parameters:

1. baseplane_type

Valid values for baseplane_type:

  • fit(default)
  • triangulated
  • lowest
  • designSurface(requiresdifferenceparameter)
  • comparisonMap(requiresdifferenceparameter)
  • custom(requires numericcustom_elevationparameter)


2. tolerance

a. Optional

b. Numeric value

i. ex: 0.04 (4cm)

c. ex: curl ",-123.11435401439668%2038.42607780608576,-123.1135976314545%2038.42590129909882,-123.11349570751193%2038.426666159593374,-123.11442375183108%2038.42649805908029))?baseplane_type=fit&tolerance=0.04&api_key={api_key}"


3. difference

a. Optional

b. Only valid when  baseplane_type is designSurface or comparisonMap

c. Value must be the tile template url for the design surface or comparison map

d. ex: curl ",-123.11435401439668%2038.42607780608576,-123.1135976314545%2038.42590129909882,-123.11349570751193%2038.426666159593374,-123.11442375183108%2038.42649805908029))?baseplane_type=comparisonMap&difference={z}/{x}/{y}.tiff&api_key={api_key}"


4. custom_elevation

a. Optional

b. Only valid when baseplane_type is custom

c. Value must be numeric

d. ex: curl ",-123.11435401439668%2038.42607780608576,-123.1135976314545%2038.42590129909882,-123.11349570751193%2038.426666159593374,-123.11442375183108%2038.42649805908029))?baseplane_type=custom&custom_elevation=123.4&api_key={api_key}"



Returns JSON - Polygon Volume Object

curl ",-123.11435401439668%2038.42607780608576,-123.1135976314545%2038.42590129909882,-123.11349570751193%2038.426666159593374,-123.11442375183108%2038.42649805908029))?baseplane_type=fit&api_key={api_key}"
  "baseplane_type": "fit", 
  "cut": 26153.559188015362, 
  "fill": -18900.181208767106, 
  "polygon": "POLYGON(6.535406112670899 46.655990545464206,6.5360498428344735 46.655710711675226,6.535298824310304 46.654561905156164,6.534655094146729 46.654723917810095,6.535406112670899 46.655990545464206)",
  "volume": 7253.377979248256 
REST API Announcement
The REST APIs in this documentation are our legacy APIs and no longer under active development. Please go to our API explorer page and our developer page for our new more capable GraphQL based APIs.

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