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Combined list of maps and flight plans
This API is usually the starting point for finding exports, tile templates and taking measurements programmatically. It provides information about all plans or a particular plan.

First, you will need an API Key

List all plans

In order to list all plans available in your account, send a GET request to /v2/plans.
This will fetch the first page of 50 plans. To request more, see API Pagination

GET /v2/plans

Returns JSON - List of all plans and associated metadata

curl "{api_key}"
    "log": "EXAMPLE_000002",
    "id": "5605c0e5752afc005a000004",
    "location": {
      "lat": 35.92596388888889,
      "lng": -96.74810972222222
    "image_count": 66,
    "date_creation": 1377012456330,
    "latest_started_map": {
      "user_status": "Complete"
    "name": "Construction Example"
    "log": "EXAMPLE_000001",
    "id": "56048e63752afc0058000001",
    "location": {
      "lat": 48.60367083333334,
      "lng": -97.21722638888889
    "image_count": 301,
    "date_creation": 1372605078006,
    "latest_started_map": {
      "user_status": "Complete"
    "name": "Agriculture Example"
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Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 04:15:03 GMT
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X-Amz-Cf-Id: fkzjbF0UPmUOh9iQMT0PHY6pnBji5AJV1Qh9ol45m9fTsXMC4DAeoQ==

Get all data for a specific plan

To get all data for a specific plan in your account.

GET /v2/plans/<planid>

  • The plan_id can be obtained by listing all plans (above)

Returns JSON - Detailed plan metadata and links

curl "{api_key}"
  "log": "EXAMPLE_000002",
  "id": "5605c0e5752afc005a000004",
  "location": {
    "lat": 35.92596388888889,
    "lng": -96.74810972222222
  "image_count": 66,
  "date_creation": 1377012456330,
  "latest_started_map": {
    "user_status": "Complete"
  "name": "Construction Example"

    "polygon": "POLYGON((6.535406112670899 46.655990545464206,6.5360498428344735 46.655710711675226,6.535298824310304 46.654561905156164,6.534655094146729 46.654723917810095,6.535406112670899 46.655990545464206))", 
    "baseplanetype": "fit",
    "cut": 26153.559188015362, 
    "fill": -18900.181208767106, 
    "volume": 7253.377979248256
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 04:17:36 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 260
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Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
X-Amz-Cf-Id: v7w995uifC15ZuSfGx9L1861FiReDSfAXDVTlTrAc25Wx9KUCfHWHw==
REST API Announcement
The REST APIs in this documentation are our legacy APIs and no longer under active development. Please go to our API explorer page and our developer page for our new more capable GraphQL based APIs.

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