ESRI Integration

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We made it convenient to see all your DroneDeploy data in ESRI!

If you don’t yet have ESRI integration, contact Sales or Support ( to schedule the demo.


ESRI integration works now with WFS and WMTS services available to load from DroneDeploy to ESRI both on the Organization level and Individual project levels.  


Both WFS and WMTS are available for ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS API for JavaScript. 

Learn more about WFS
Learn more about WMTS


How do I load an Organization-Level layer?

The organization-wide ESRI layer will load the latest map from each of the projects created in your organization. This means, when a new map is processed within a project, it's pasted in your ESRI web layer. This updates in real-time when new data is created.


How to create the link for your organization-wide WMTS layer: 

Layers are available through ArcGIS server connections

Your WMTS layer URL will follow this format:{organization_id}?api_key={api_key}

  • Your organization ID will be provided to you by your customer success manager. You can also reach out to to provide your organization ID.
  • Your API key can be created following these steps: Getting started - API key


How to create the link for your organization-wide WFS layer: 

The URL will follow this format:{organization_id}?api_key={api_key}

WFS will output 4 layers:

Projects, Maps, Media, and Field Notes. Every layer will contain links back to DroneDeploy to be able to view the media. 




How do I load Individual Project web layers?

At the project level, we have introduced a sidebar integration that displays the WMTS and WFS map links the be used directly in your web layer viewer. Simply copy the link and add it as a web layer to ArcGIS online or as a server connection to ArcGIS Pro.


Adding your DroneDeploy WMTS to your GIS

ArcGIS Pro
ArcGIS Online
Portal for ArcGIS
ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.x
ArcGIS API for JavaSript 4.x

Adding your organization WMTS layer to ArcGIS Online

Once you have your WMTS layer URL, start the process of adding this to your ArcGIS Online instance with the add button in the tool bar.

Select "Add Layer from Web"

Select "A WMTS OGC Web Service" from the dropdown options

Paste in your DroneDeploy WMTS layer and select "Get Layers"

Select Add Layer

You may need to navigate to an area where you have flown a DroneDeploy map.



Working in the New Map Viewer

The new ESRI Map Viewer app requires some additional steps:

Additional Parameter for Org-Level Links:

+ Add custom Parameter

    1. Parameter: api_key

    2. Value: {customer api key}

Additional Parameter for Project-Level Links:

To add project level WMTS link to ArcGIS online in new map viewer user would need to manually input the JWT token.

  1. Copy the link

  2. Copy JWT token (Symbols after jwt= )

  3. Paste as an additional parameter when importing the layer.


Adding a single map WMTS layer to your GIS using the API

Your WMTS layer URL for a single map will follow this format:{plan_id}?api_key={api_key}

  • You can query for your plans via the GraphQL API plans query
  • If you do not have an API key already, please request it from your customer success manager.
  • Follow the same instructions as above to add your map level WMTS layer to ArcGIS


  • Which maps are included with the DroneDeploy organization-level WMTS Layer?
    All maps generated across your organization will be included in the organization-level WMTS layer. The plan-level WMTS layer will only show imagery from a single (latest) map.

  • Will the organization-level WMTS layer update with recently flown maps?
    Yes, all new maps will automatically show up in this layer. You do not need to update after every flight, the DroneDeploy platform will handle that for you.

  • What happens if I fly the same site multiple times?
    The latest imagery for a given area will be shown.

  • What types of maps are included in the layer?
    All orthomosaic maps will be included in the layer, including the standard RGB, non-radiometric thermal, and multispectral.
  • Can maps be removed from the organization-level layer?
    No, once a map is pasted to the WMTS layer, it is fixed. Even if a map is deleted from the web app, it will remain in the WMTS layer.

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