This page contains information on mapping with DJI drones that have been converted to capture data for NDVI imagery.
Map Quality Issues
DroneDeploy cannot guarantee good map quality with these cameras. We consider a good map to have over 99% coverage. We are not able to ensure this on modified DJI NDVI cameras because of issues with inconsistent input imagery quality. Though you can still fly and process data with these cameras, we will not be able to fix poor quality maps flown on this particular setup.
It's important that you follow the steps below to have the best results when flying with modified NDVI cameras.
Examples of Poor Quality Imagery
The images below demonstrate some of the issues we've seen from modified DJI cameras.
Blurry Image Example 1

NDVI images may have blurriness around the edges. The extent of blur depends on actual quality of lens modification and camera settings.
Blurry Image Example 2
This is an image captured with a modified Phantom 3. On closer examination, this image is sharp in the center, but blurred at the edge.
Zoomed in sections of the image shown above.
Suggested Camera Settings
If you are capturing data with a modified camera, we recommend using custom camera settings when flying with the DroneDeploy mobile app. This can help increase the final quality of the map. Please follow the steps below:
See here for instructions to get the app and ensure the right settings for aircraft compatibility.
Step 1: Open the DroneDeploy app and navigate to "Preferences"
Step 2: Toggle on Third-Party Camera Setting
Once you are in your Settings
, enable your Use 3rd Party Camera
Step 3: Plan your Flight
Once you toggle on the Use 3rd Party Camera
setting, make sure you see the alert at the bottom of the screen.
Then, please plan your flight using these instructions.
When setting your manual camera settings, we recommend the following:
Set Frontlap and Sidelap to 80% This will ensure more photos with sufficient overlap since modified NDVI photos tend to be sharper in the center and blurrier toward the edges.
Increase altitude Adjust altitude according to your site and needs. We recommend flying higher to increase map quality, especially with modified cameras. It may be helpful to do small tests at different altitudes to compare quality. We recommend flying at 300 feet.
Save your flight plan when you're ready!
Step 4: Close the DroneDeploy App and Open DJI GO
Step 5: Set Manual Camera Settings in DJI GO App
In DJI GO, select the bottom right settings icon and adjust the camera settings as shown below.
Please note that these settings are a suggestion - you may want to adjust settings for your environment, or experiment to achieve the best results.
You should try to apply these settings in the daylight and at the area of interest for best results.
ISO: 100 (to reduce noise)
Shutter: (1/200 or faster)
Step 6: Set the White Balance
Set the white balance to "Sunny".
However, if the camera is displaying dark photos, you can set a custom value of white balance by selecting "Custom" at the bottom of the list and select the appropriate temperature.
Step 7: Take a test photo!
Take a test photo in DJI Go app and make sure it is good quality. After this, you're all set to fly your mission.
Close the DJI Go app completely before you open DroneDeploy app.