Equipment & Pilot Management

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Manage equipment registration, maintenance, pilot certifications, and expiry in one platform.

Why does this matter?

Keeps all program information in one system.
Keeps pilots and drones compliant with local laws.

Pilot Certifications

Pilots can add their certification, start, and expiry dates in their own user preferences.

Organization Admins can view their pilots' certifications and the expiration on those certifications:

View your Drone Fleet

Quickly be able to view what drone is in working order and what is in repair, when it was last flown and on what project, and the assigned Pilot.

One Drone Per Pilot
At this time, our data model does not support having multiple assigned pilots to one drone. We do allow to change pilots as needed.

View your Fleet's Batteries

Quickly be able to view what battery is in working order and what is in repair, when it was last used and on what project, and the assigned Pilot:

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