Facade Inspections

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Utilize DroneDeploy to capture high-resolution facade maps and create inspection reports in a fraction of the time you would do manual inspections.

Capture the perfect data set using our vertical flight planner and upload it to create game-changing 3D facade reconstruction in DroneDeploy. We make it easy to use these tools to conduct safe and efficient inspections and share them with your team!

Facade captures are organized in your projects as media pins, and each facade can be found represented by a blue marker seen below:

Pins are placed at the center of the facade flight plan and can be moved through drag and drop.

Select a facade to reveal a pop-out preview of that capture:

Move between facades by selecting from the list in the left panel or choosing another pin.

Use this pop-out to easily navigate to sharing options and reports. First, select Inspect to enter the 3D model view and conduct your first facade inspection.


Thinking of Upgrading?
Vertical Flights and Inspections are included in our Enterprise subscription. If you want to learn more or try this feature, please contact us here.

Setting Default View

Setting the default view will allow you to control the thumbnail of your site and be the first point of entry when viewing the model. To do this, select "S"t Default View" "at the top of the screen, position the 3D model to the preferred starting view, and zoom level.

Save this view, and when you view this model or share it with others, your default view will be applied:

Update this default view anytime.

Conducting Facade Inspections

Conducting a facade inspection is easy in DroneDeploy and does not require the typical high-risk situations that inspectors and technicians might experience.

Start by entering the model and selecting the Inspect option at the top of your model. In this mode, view the drone camera positions and click on these indicators to view the source image for that location.

Use the drop-down layers to show/hide camera positions and field note markers.

D-Pad Navigation

Use the new D-Pad Navigation feature to easily navigate your 3D model. The on-screen controls or your keyboard can control this feature to move from image-to-image in the model and perform inspections efficiently.

Facade Field Notes are created on the source imagery in the same way as our 3D inspections. To do so, select the field note option, and then with the crosshair, choose the location of the item you would like to highlight and create a pin:

All field note markers can now be seen in inspect mode, even if they are located in adjacent source images. You can navigate between these by selecting the pin or using the D-pad navigation.

You can choose your field note type and then provide a summary of that pin.


Coming Soon!
We're working on more field note types for you! Please email support@dronedeploy.com if you have feedback on how we can improve this feature or any of our report functionality for your organization.

Create and Share Facade Inspection Reports

Compiling your facade inspection into a report is simple once you've analyzed your model and its field notes.
You can access the report by selecting the Report tab at the top of the project or selecting View Report from the Facade pin on the Explore page for quick access.

The report will feature your default view and your field note types and summaries.

A location indicator is shown to the left of the field note selection to provide context about where that problem exists on the map.

This report can easily be shared directly by email or by adding users to the project so they always know when a new report is available. You may also download it as a PDF to save and share externally with stakeholders and other project collaborators. 

  • Can we do mission chain facade inspections?
  • How do I share the inspection report?
    The inspection report can be downloaded as PDF and shared.
  • What's the best way to get a perfect 3D model?
    Mission chain four facades + enhanced 3D of the entire structure, and upload together.

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