How to crop your data to only your area of interest in 2D and in 3D!
Sometimes you collect a little extra data or have some edges that aren't smooth around your processed map. In this guide, we will explain how to crop your data to adjust the boundaries of your mapped area.
Please note that Cropping works best on an updated version Google Chrome browser.
2D Cropping:
In this tutorial, we'll be looking at the Example Data from the How to Process Datasets documentation.
- To start cropping, click on the arrow to the right of the Map Layer
- Then, select
Crop Map Area
under the Area section.
You now have several options.
Moving an Anchor
To move an anchor (and hence change the edge), click and drag one of the white dots to an appropriate location. We've selected the top right in this example.
You'll notice the data layer is automatically cropped to where this new anchor location.
Removing an Anchor
To remove an anchor, single click on the anchor you would like to remove (white dot).
Adding an Anchor
If you have stripped too many anchors, you can add additional anchors by clicking on the semi-opaque anchors, and dragging it. This will add an additional point.
Saving the Crop
The crop will be saved after each edit. Once you're happy with your crop, you can click the crop map area
button again to hide the markers and boundary.
3D Cropping
The cropping edits you make on the 2D map will now reflect in the 3D model and Point Cloud!
Caveat: Currently the 3D crop does not support concave shapes. It will instead make a convex hull out of the 2D crop and use that as the crop boundary. Please reach out to if you have questions.
Troubleshooting Cropped Maps:
My map edges seem to be cut off/cropped!
If the edges of your Orthomosaic map seem to fall short of your flight area, please try to use the crop tool to expand your map boundary to include the missing areas! For assistance please contact