After exporting your data in DroneDeploy you can upload these exports into a 3rd party software for further analysis!
While most of our exports are in commonly-used formats, the import process can be complex, so we've made how-to guides to explain the process for common 3rd party software below:
Displaying GeoTIFFs in QGIS
Learn how to export an elevation map as a GeoTIFF and import into QGIS to render the digital surface model.
Overlaying Contours in QGIS
Learn how to export contour files (DXF/SHP) and GeoTIFF files from DroneDeploy and import them into QGIS.
Displaying Plant Health Data in ArcGIS
Learn how to classify and display your plant health shapefile from DroneDeploy in ArcGIS.
Displaying Contours and GeoTIFFs in ArcGIS
Learn how to export contour files (DXF/SHP) and GeoTIFF files from DroneDeploy and import them into ArcGIS.
Viewing LAS Point Cloud in ArcGIS
Learn how to export the point cloud as a LAS file and import into ArcGIS.
AutoCAD (Civil 3D):
Overlaying Contours in AutoCAD Civil 3D
Learn how to export contours with a GeoTIFF file and import into AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Importing Point Cloud Data into AutoCAD Civil 3D
Learn how to export the point cloud data as a LAS file and import into AutoCAD Civil 3D.
SMS Ag Leader
Importing Imagery into SMS Ag Leader
AgLeader's SMS Advanced can leverage DroneDeploy imagery as both a visual reference and as a true data product. It is a good tool for NDVI analysis.