Aerial Sync to Procore

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Note: This article refers to Aerial integrations only. Ground integrations are not yet available. Please ensure this information is clear before proceeding with any self-migration to avoid issues.

File Sizes & File Types:
Not all files and file sizes are supported for every integration
You can find the official support chart here.

After you've navigated to the Auto Exports settings window for your Project and have configured the parameters for your export, you're ready to finalize the Auto Export by pointing it to a destination.

To point it towards Procore, first install the Procore Auto Export app available at the DroneDeploy App Market.

After installing the correct app, Procore will show up in the lower left-hand side of the pop-up window after you make your Auto Exports selection. Please be sure to select it, and connect to Procore by clicking the "Connect Procore" button.

First, select the company.

Then, navigate into the Project Documents.

Navigate into the project you would like to export to.

Then navigate into the documents or photos module.

Procore only supports syncing of photos up to 500MB

Select the desired album and click on 'Select' in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

A confirmation message will show.

You can see your configured Auto Exports under the Auto Exports menu section. You can delete an Auto Export by pressing on the three dots next to the name of the Export or you can choose to run the export on the selected map.

Auto-Exports will automatically run when the a new map completes in the project. If you already have data in the project and want to push it to ProCore select "Run" to export existing data.

Exports from maps uploaded in the future will now be available in your selected album.

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