Agriculture Onboarding for DroneDeploy

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A one stop shop to review all the key steps to becoming a successful Ag user of DroneDeploy. We highly recommend you review the content in this guide to ensure DroneDeploy delivers you maximum value in the shortest amount of time.

1. Understanding the Basics of Drones

Resources for those that are new to using drones:

2. Flying Your Drone with DroneDeploy

Using the application to launch flights to create successful maps:

3. Uploading Your Data into DroneDeploy

Take data from your drone and make a great map:

4. Reviewing and Adding Value to Your Agriculture Map

Add value to your new map by leveraging these Ag-specific features:

5. Consider tools from the App Market

Ag specific tools for analyzing data and integrating with your existing workflows such as MyJohnDeere can be found here:

DroneDeploy App Market for Agriculture

6. Leveraging Best Drone Practices for Agriculture

Learn how other DroneDeploy Ag users are leveraging DroneDeploy:

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